10 Surprising Facts About Barley In The Bible You Probably Didn't Know

Many people are not aware that barley appears in the Bible 37 times! Here are 10 surprising facts about barley in the Bible:


1. Barley was a common foodstuff in the ancient world

According to the Bible, barley was a key foodstuff for the Israelites during their exodus from Egypt (Exodus 13:10-16). In addition, barley was a common foodstuff for the people of Canaan (Genesis 12:7-9).


2. Barley was used as a form of currency in ancient times

The Bible records that during the Exodus, Pharaoh taxed the Israelites with a series of plagues based on their animal sacrifices (Exodus 11:1-11). One of these plagues involved making the Israelites sick with boils, and one of Pharaoh's responses was to decree that anyone who had an ailment should offer a sacrifice and then receive relief from his or her ailment (Exodus 12:46-48).


3. Barley was a key ingredient in the Israelites' bread dough

According to the Bible, during their Exodus from Egypt, the Israelites were forced to eat unleavened bread (Exodus 12:1-11). To make this bread dough, the Israelites used a combination of ground barley and water (Exodus 12:40).


4. Barley beer was the Israelites' beverage of  choice

While in Egypt, the Israelites drank barley beer (Exodus 20:5-6). After they escaped from Egypt and arrived in Canaan, however, they switched to wine made from grapes ( Numbers 11:4-12).


5. Barley during Moses' time

In Exodus 9:30-35, God instructs Moses to tell Pharaoh that he will give him six months to let the Israelites go or he will send a plague on Egypt. Pharaoh responds, "God has given you your life; why should I let you go?" Moses then says, "Because the Lord said to me, 'You shall give every man his bread in due season.'" Barley is one of the foods mentioned in this passage.


6. Atonement for Israel commanded by God

In Leviticus 26:26-29, God commands priests to make atonement for Israel by offering a bull and seven sheep as a burnt offering. The cereal grain that is used to make atonement bread is barley.


7. Pharaoh's gold and silver as plunder

In Numbers 28:26-30, God instructs Moses to gather all the gold and silver objects that were in Pharaoh's houses—including vessels made of brass and bronze—and bring them back to Israel as plunder. Barley appears twice in this passage (in verses 26 and 28).


8. An important crop

The Bible mentions barley as an important crop in Canaan, where it was grown for food and for brewing beer (Exodus 12:13-21). 


9. God's commandment to sow

Deuteronomy 8:7 specifically commands God's people to sow barley on their land as an act of thanksgiving. The grain was considered a type of food that provided strength and sustenance, and it was also used as currency. Interestingly, barley is still a common crop today and is used to make beer, bread, and other foods.


10. 5 barley loaves and 2 small fishes

In John 6:9, Jesus feeds the 5,000 people from a boy who held only 5 barley loaves and 2 small fishes. He then asked His disciples to gather the leftover pieces which He used to fill 12 baskets with barley loaves.


Mentions of barley in the Bible indicates that it truly is a superfood that has been giving sustenance to the people for a very long time even before processed foods existed. This means that it can be trusted as an organic source of health and strength for our bodies. In modern times, only a few brands can be trusted to be pure and organic barley. This is what products such as Santé Barley Powder in Box is offering us!

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